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Antalya Zirconium Crowns

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Zirconium Veneers in Turkey, Antalya, Cost, Before and After

Zirconium coating is a tooth- and gum-friendly material that provides better technological and aesthetic results in dental treatments applied in recent years. It is frequently preferred in prostheses and porcelain substructures, especially due to its white color, transparency and light permeability.

As Sarıyer Denta Vita Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic, we frequently apply zirconium coating to our patients coming from abroad. In addition, we can have the zirconium coating, which we frequently use as the infrastructure of dental implants, made in Turkey at a much more affordable price than in Europe and the UK, without compromising on quality.

Zirconium crowns are made for aesthetic smiles and white teeth. So, what is zirconium tooth, the use of which has increased due to its durability and longevity? In what cases are zirconium coatings preferred? To which teeth is zirconium applied? We discussed more information about zirconium coating in this article.

What is a Zirconium Crown?

Zirconium crowns are a frequently preferred application to correct functionally problematic teeth and provide an aesthetic appearance. Zirconium crowns are also called zirconium teeth, zirconium crowns. Since it has high light transmittance, it gives a natural appearance to the teeth. It is possible to achieve aesthetic smiles with whitening zirconium crowns. Although they do not have metal inside, they are very durable and long-lasting. Unlike metal dental crown types, there is no purplish discoloration in the gums after the zirconium crown procedure.

Zirconium-crowns-in-antalya turkey

How to make zirconium teeth?

Zirconium crowns can be made on one’s own teeth or after implants. After the abrading of the teeth is finished or the recovery period of the implants is completed, the physician firstly takes the necessary measurements from the person. Afterwards, these measurements are transferred to appropriate plaster models in the dental laboratory, and a copy of the patient’s mouth is created. A copy of plaster models is created digitally on the computer with the scanner and the design process begins with the help of programs. In the infrastructure designs made, the size and forms of the teeth that the person will have are considered as much as possible. The script created at the end of the designs is transferred to the machine called CAD-CAM by a program. They are processed into round blocks pressed with zirconium. It consists of zirconium element, the structure of which is extracted from nature. After the scraping processes are finished in CAD-CAM, it is left to cook in the oven at 1500-1600 degrees Celsius within the range of 4 to 16 hours. At this temperature, almost all metals found in nature melt, while only zirconium becomes seet. This process is called sintering and they shrink as much as the values ​​written on zirconium blocks. It is ensured that the models fit perfectly with the rehearsals performed by technicians, and then the infrastructure is sent to the physician and the rehearsal stage is completed.

Crowns and Veneers specifications Metal fused
porcelain crown
Zirconia based
porcelain crown
E-max laminate
Express laminate
Lumineers Composite
Laminate veneer
Implant application
Substance and strength ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
Light permeability and
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Life time ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Allergy or strange feeling
Computer design
Hand made
Base Metal Zirconia E-max Empress Porcelain Composite
Added porcelain
Without porcelain or
ANTALYA DENTIST PRICE 100₤ 160₤ 200₤ 200₤ 275₤ 150₤
UK PRICE 350₤ 550₤ 750₤ 750₤ 950₤ 350₤

What are the advantages of zirconium crowns?

Since the light transmittance of zirconium dental crowns is higher than that of metal-supported ones, it does not create a dark colour on the gums and you will not encounter problems such as black colour reflection from the gum edge, which may be present in metal-coated porcelain teeth in the future. In addition, the zirconium tooth coating, thanks to the ability of zirconium to transmit light, the matte image that can occur in the teeth are lost, and a healthier, more transparent and more natural appearance is obtained thanks to the teeth getting the closest appearance to their original state. In addition to providing an aesthetic and natural appearance, zirconium coating is important for your gum health. Because zirconium dental crowns are the more compatible ones with gums, and the gum around the teeth with zirconium dental crowns is less likely to have gum disease than in metal-supported dental veneers.

Zirconium dental coating is an ideal type of dental treatment for patients allergic to metal. People who use zirconium tooth crown will not have hot or cold sensitivity. In addition, it is more robust than metal-backed teeth and is more preferred in front teeth due to its natural appearance. Zirconium reduces the stains caused by cigarettes or other reasons, does not cause bad breath, gum problems and a change in taste in the mouth.

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