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Sinus Lifting in Antalya

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Sinus Lifting

What is a sinus lift operation?

In the sinus region, the maxillary, located just above the upper jaw, is the anatomical cavities located near our molars. The function of these cavities near our molars is to ensure the formation of sound and the reduction of head weight, so they are important. As a result of the sagging of the sinus cavities downward, some losses occur in bone volume. Although these losses are considered a natural process, they pose a problem when it comes to implant treatment. Sinus grafting is used to fill the sagging sinus cavities and apply implant treatment to toothless areas. This procedure ensures that sufficient volume is created for the length and width of the implant, which must be fully seated in the bone. During sinus lifting, local anesthesia and general anesthesia are applied.

The air spaces in the skull that have the function of reducing head weight and ensuring that sounds are heard properly are called sinuses. Since some of the sinuses are located in the areas near our teeth, they are also important in this respect. When teeth are lost in the upper jaw (maxilla) and prosthetics are not made in time, the distance between the sinus wall and the highest point of the jawbone called the crest is shortened. Since there is not enough bone to implant in this area, sinus lifting is performed to increase the decreased bone ratio.

How is sinus lifting surgery performed?

Sinus lifting (sinus elevation, lifting) surgery is a surgical intervention usually performed under local anesthesia in a standard dentist’s chair. The sinus area is lifted to the desired level and made accessible through a small window opened from inside the mouth in that area. After the desired elevation is achieved in the sinus membrane covering the inside of the sinus, bone powder and grafting are applied to the gap created and the area is closed by stitching.

What should be considered after the sinus lifting surgery?

After the sinus lifting surgery, care should be taken not to eat from the other side for 24 hours in order to protect the wound area. Nothing should be eaten or drunk for two hours after the procedure. After the sinus lift procedure, no pressure should be applied while cleaning the nose and the mouth should be kept open while sneezing.

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Types of sinus lifting
Sinus lifting can be either closed or open.

Closed sinus lifting is a milder procedure. The bottom of the maxillary sinus gets deepened through a small hole in the mucous membrane; then the treated area gets filled with bone-filling material. This is the spot for the installation of the future implant. Closed sinus lifting can be performed if the bone height is 7-8 mm.

In the presence of the sufficient bone height and if there are no contraindications, the implantation is conducted simultaneously with the bone tissue reconstruction.

Open sinus lifting involves making a small cut in the mucous membrane at the lateral area of the maxillary sinus. This enables the dental surgeon to obtain access to the bone in order to expand the bottom of the maxillary sinus. After the filling of the corresponding cavity with bone-filling material, the dentist makes a stitch. If the bone is sufficiently high (3 mm and more) the implant gets installed straightaway. This helps avoid repetitive surgical interventions. In other cases the implantation is performed 4 months after the sinus lift.

In order for sinus lifting to be successful, it is crucial to follow the necessary recommendations during the postoperative period. First of all, the patient should get rid of the old toothbrush, abstain from eating hot food on the first day after the intervention, avoid hypothermia, and take all the medications prescribed by the doctor. It is also recommended to stop doing sports for a certain period of time.

Apart from these general recommendations, your doctor will provide you with detailed instructions on the necessary dietary and hygiene regime for the whole rehabilitation period.

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