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Aesthetic Dentures in Antalya

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Aesthetic Dentures in Antalya: Price, Types of Dentures

Dental prostheses, or dentures, are special constructions designed to replace natural teeth. Dentures recreate natural anatomy and biology of the teeth-jaw system and help recover a beautiful smile. Properly manufactured dentures do not bring any discomfort, and the patient starts perceiving them as natural teeth almost immediately.

Dentures are installed in case of either full or partial adentia. The process of their fixing consists of several stages. At the initial stage, the oral cavity gets prepared for the installation of dentures. If necessary, the teeth get cured and filled, and the plaque gets removed. Then the moulds get made. When the prosthesis is ready, the patient tries it so that the doctor could ascertain that the denture fits ideally, does not alter the occlusion, and is as comfortable as possible. Only after that the denture gets fixed.

Aesthetic Dentures in Antalya

Which dentures to choose?
Antalya dentist chain of clinics in Antalya offers numerous types of dentures made of various materials. There are several kinds of dental prostheses. First of all, there are removable and permanent dentures. The former ones are indicated for patients with both full and partial absence of teeth.

Removable dentures are designed to be inserted into the oral cavity and removed from it by the patient on his or her own. Each time the denture is removed, it can be easily cleaned. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage of such dental constructions. On the one hand, artificial teeth become clean since they get liberated from all food residuals. On the other hand, denture cleaning proves to be rather burdensome for many patients but after some time it becomes a normal habit.
Fixed (permanent) dentures get installed safely in the oral cavity, and their cleaning does not differ from taking care of natural teeth. Today this option is considered to be the most optimal, especially when it comes to restoring single teeth.
Types of removable dentures
removable full dentures are used if no natural teeth have remained in the jaw. In this case, there is no opportunity to fix the denture on a rigid frame, so alternative fixation techniques are engaged;
removable partial dentures are installed if one or several teeth are missing. The prosthesis gets attached to the adjacent teeth with the help of special hooks, or attachments. This type of denture has poorer aesthetic properties but is more durable and reliable. Moreover, it is the only possible teeth restoration technique in case no bridges or implants can be installed.
Main advantages of cosmetic dentures
restoration of the aesthetics of the tooth row and its chewing load even in the most difficult cases;
multipurposeness: dentures are used in case of full or partial adentia;
individual designing and manufacturing;
small weight and durability of the construction;
adequate cost in comparison to dental implants;
quick installation and adaptation. The patient leaves the doctor’s office with his new teeth, being able to smile, talk, and eat straight away!
Acrylic cosmetic dentures
Acrylic dentures belong to an innovative type of dentures which get made of a plastic material (acryl). This is the most economical dental construction that is used in case of both full and partial absence of teeth. Acryl is a multi-purpose material which serves for the production of both partial and full dentures.

Another advantage of acryl is a wide range of colours which allows selecting the most suitable shade.

Nylon dentures
Nylon is another widespread material for producing removable dentures. Nylon constructions are very flexible, elastic, and durable. Most often such dentures get fixed with the use of the so-called vacuum technique.

Nylon is an ideal material for people who suffer from allergic reactions since such constructions do not contain metal elements and are hypoallergenic.

Prostheses on implants
This method of restoring a tooth row can be recommended if you want to opt for a fixed restoration technique but have an insufficient number of teeth (or their condition is not good enough). In this case, the doctor may offer the installation of several implants on which bridges will be fixed, thus replacing the missing teeth.

A crown is a special construction designed for the restoration of one tooth. Crowns can be fixed either on faced natural teeth or on dental implants. The restoration with the use of crowns is recommended in case of minor defects in a row of teeth.

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