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Antalya Dental Bridge

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Dental Bridge Antalya Turkey

There are two types of treatment for missing teeth. One is dental implant treatment and the other is dental bridge treatment. We generally apply traditional dental bridge treatment to people who cannot have dental implants in Turkey. In addition, the economic power and demands of people are other factors that make dental bridge treatment the reason for preference.

We perform traditional teeth bridge treatment with metal-supported and zirconium-supported porcelain veneers in Turkey. However, dental bridge treatment is also supported by implants. We prefer implant-supported dental bridge in Turkey for people with long tooth gaps. Therefore, the cost of dental bridge treatment in Turkey also varies according to the type of treatment. We successfully perform all types of dental bridge with our expert dentist in Turkey, Antalya and competitive price.

What is Dental Bridge?

When our patients lose their teeth due to gum diseases or dental caries, we have to offer our patients treatment alternatives in order to replace the lost tooth. These treatment alternatives are dental bridges or dental implants in Turkey. Dental bridge is one of the treatments we prefer in Turkey according to the condition of our patients in the absence of teeth.

It is a treatment that we receive support by shrinking the teeth in front and behind the lost tooth and placing a porcelain coating on them. We can make dental bridges with support from healthy teeth, as well as with support from dental implants in case of multiple tooth deficiencies.

antalya dental bridge turkey dental clinic in antalya

A dental bridge in Antalya Turkey is widely chosen to address the issue of missing teeth, offering an effective solution for patients seeking to restore their dental health and aesthetics. Renowned specialists utilise advanced techniques and materials to ensure dental bridge treatments meet the highest quality and durability standards.

How Dental Bridge is Made in Turkey?
Tooth bridges are formed by reducing the teeth on both sides of the gap in order to replace the tooth cavities in the mouth and placing porcelain coatings on them to form a support for the bridge. Before the dental bridge treatment in Turkey, our physician makes an appropriate preparation for the treatment. This preparation is the appropriate angle, direction and amount of abrasion of the teeth that will be the abutment for the bridge.

Our specialist dentist takes the first measurements after reducing the teeth. She then attaches temporary prostheses to this area. Within a total of 3 sessions, our dentist rehearses for the infrastructure and superstructure of the dental bridge. Porcelain teeth prepared in the laboratory are made suitable for the teeth with rehearsals, both on the plaster model and in the patient’s mouth.

How Long Does a Dental Bridge Treatment Take in Turkey?
We can complete the traditional dental bridge treatment in 3 sessions in Adalya Dental Centre Antalya in Turkey in a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 days. However, the treatment process of implant supported bridges is different. If we are going to do dental bridge treatment with dental implants in Turkey, we will do this surgery first. After the 3-month fusion process of the implants to the jawbone, we attach the permanent tooth bridge prostheses with measurements and rehearsals within 5-7 days.

How Much Does A Dental Bridge Cost in Turkey?
The cost of dental bridge treatment in Turkey varies according to the type of coating used in the treatment and the number of teeth. In Turkey the cost of traditional dental bridge differs according to the type of metal-supported or zirconium-supported dental bridge. The average prices of these treatments are as follows.

The average price of a metal-supported dental bridge consisting of 3 teeth in Turkey is 400-450 Euros.

In Turkey, the average price of a zirconium supported bridge consisting of 3 teeth is 520-580 Euros.

The cost of dental implant supported dental bridge in Turkey differs according to the dental implant brand and clinics. You can get price information about dental implants by visiting our dental implants in Turkey page.

Treatments Turkey UK Savings
All-on-4 £1,600 £7,950 73%
All-on-6 £2,400 £10,750 70%
All-on-8 £3,200 £12,750 66%
3-on-6 £2,400 £10,750 70%
Zirconium Implants £1,000 £8,750 66%
Ceramic Implants £3,000 £8,750 66%
Full Mouth
£4,400 £16,000 72%
Single Implants £400 £1,750 75%


Some questions and answers you are wondering about Antalya dental bridge

In Turkey, we perform treatments called dental bridge in order to fill the gaps between healthy teeth as a result of one or more loss. With tooth bridge treatment, we ensure the full function of the teeth by providing the complete alignment of the teeth. There are various types of dental bridge treatments and we apply them successfully in Turkey.

Traditional dental bridge treatments are one of the most commonly used types of tooth bridges. These bridges consist of one or more missing teeth. In this way we fix tooth bridges with dental crowns by gluing them to the teeth next to the tooth cavity. We can apply this type of treatment when you have natural teeth on both sides of your missing tooth.

The biggest advantage of the traditional dental bridge is that its appearance is not obvious. Therefore, we can provide extremely successful results in terms of aesthetics with traditional dental bridge procedures in Turkey. In addition, these bridges are strong enough to replace your molars.

The disadvantage of the traditional dental bridge is that the teeth to be supported are cut and reduced. Therefore, these teeth should always be protected with crown veneers. This type of bridge is of 2 types.

Zirconium is a white element that we apply instead of gray metal, which is the infrastructure of classical porcelain bridges and prostheses. With its light transmittance feature, we can provide a natural tooth appearance with zirconium. Zirconium is a material compatible with tooth tissue. Therefore, it does not have any negative effects on your gum health. It also does not cause gum recession.

Since there is no metal in the structure of zirconium, it does not cause allergies. There is no taste change or odor in the mouth. Since it has a smooth and slippery porcelain structure, plaque formation is not seen on these teeth. In this way, the color always remains as it is applied. Therefore, we frequently use zirconia crowns in Turkey in many treatments.

There are 2 types of zirconium supported porcelain types as translucent and solid. In addition to being very durable, these teeth have a transparent and thin appearance. In order to apply a translucent zirconium supported dental bridge in Turkey, the patient must have 1 or 2 missing teeth. We do not recommend a translucent zirconium bridge in patients with a large number of tooth loss.

In addition, we prefer the zirconium supported translucent dental bridge in Turkey for anterior teeth, as it gives better results in terms of aesthetics.

We use the solid zirconium dental bridge in our Dental Clinic in Antalya Turkey, unlike the translucent tooth bridge, for long tooth loss. In addition, we prefer solid zirconium dental bridge in Turkey for patients who damage the artificial material by clenching their teeth. We can provide an aesthetic appearance by coloring in accordance with the patient’s tooth structure.

Metal supported tooth bridges are porcelain prosthesis types that we use as a substructure of chrome-nickel alloy or gold known as precious metal. It is a chrome-nickel opaque alloy. The light transmittance is very low. Therefore, we do not prefer metal-supported dental bridge in terms of aesthetics in anterior dental bridges and crowns in Turkey. We use zirconium supported porcelain teeth in the anterior regions.

Since chromium-nickel is a strong alloy, we mostly use it in dental bridges and crowns in the posterior molar regions in Turkey. However, in some cases, we use gold alloy infrastructure because the chrome-nickel infrastructure can stain the gums or because of people with nickel allergy. Gold is a texture compatible substance. Therefore, it does not cause any allergic reaction.

The main reason why zirconium supported bridges and crowns are more expensive is due to the production differences of metal and zirconium materials. Zirconium material is produced more costly because it requires higher technological infrastructures. In short, the reason for the price difference is the cost difference between the old technology and the new technology.

One of the most preferred dental bridge treatments for multiple missing teeth in Turkey is an implant supported dental bridge. In traditional tooth bridges, we provide support by reducing the adjacent teeth. However, there is no tooth reduction in the implant-supported dental bridge process. Even if there are 3-4 tooth loss side by side, we can perform dental bridge application with 2 dental implants in Adalya Dental Centre Antalya in Turkey.

In this treatment, we place 2 implants on both ends of the missing tooth area. The area in the middle area is strongly held in place thanks to the dental implant. In implant-supported tooth bridge treatments, other teeth are definitely not damaged. Therefore, implant-supported dental bridge treatments are one of the most preferred treatments by patients in Turkey.

We surgically place the implants in the required area. Then, after the fusion process of the implants to the jawbone, we take the tooth measurements and fix the crown bridges in their places.

You can read also our this post about “Which is better? Dental implant or Bridge?” and you can learn more details about it.

The Cantilever dental bridge is very similar to traditional bridge treatment. However, the missing tooth is only supported by the abutment teeth on one side, rather than on both sides. For this reason, if there is only one natural next to the tooth cavity, we can fix the bridge with this tooth.

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